Survey: Change Chapter Meeting Date
Following discussions at the January 2025 meeting
Submit response by 01/01/2025
Change Chapter Monthly Meeting Date
At the last meeting, we discussed the possible change of date of our monthly chapter meeting from Thursday evening to Saturday morning,
The reasons for the change are:
Many member shave long rides / drives to come to the meeting, forcing them to drive at night. A Saturday morning meeting allows riding in daylight and lighter (non-rush hour) traffic.
It's not always easy to find free time in the middle of the week: sometimes, day jobs get in the way of motorcycling! Additionally, the breakfast meetings would be scheduled on the first Saturday of the month, just before our private rides, thus reducing the total number of days we commit to the group.
Increase Participation.
Since switching to Saturday chapter meetings, other IMRG chapters in the region and the country have experienced an increased participation ... mostly for the above two reasons: Safety & Availability. We want you as involved as possible in the decisions driving the group; this is the opportunity to be involved in the discussions.